Success Stories

Mass Vaccination Across Asia thanks to Zuellig Pharma

Low-levels of vaccination and preventative healthcare plague a number of Asian countries. At the root of this problem lie a number of factors, including cultural beliefs, lack of knowledge and education and lack of affordable healthcare services. In particular, these problems afflict rural populations and underserved communities.

The Zuellig Pharma Mass Vaccination Program has provided institutions and communities in the region with improved access to vaccines. Thanks to the program, patients now have greater access to preventative healthcare than ever before.

The end-to-end program includes an integrated digital platform, website registration and ordering, delivery of products to the site, administration of vaccines, data and insight reports to evaluate effectiveness, as well as options for ongoing patient management programs. 

To date, the Mass Vaccination Program has administered over 550,000 doses at over 1,500 vaccination events, in collaboration with more than 350 companies and institutions across Asia. As a result, many underserved communities across Asia now have increased access to healthcare and vaccines.