We operate South Korea’s largest cold-room facility and are the country’s largest vaccine distributor. Recognised for sustainability, transparency, and compliance, we offer tailored healthcare technology solutions for eCommerce, blockchain, and business analytics, solidifying our position as Asia’s clinical logistics leader and a trusted commercialisation partner.
  • 25 years experience as a healthcare service provider in South Korea.
  • Operate South Korea’s largest cold-room facility.
  • South Korea’s largest specialty and vaccine distributor, and Asia’s clinical logistics leader.
  • Preferred go-to commercialisation partner for high compliance standards and transparency.
  • Customised technology solutions for eCommerce, block-chain, and business analytics.
  • Strong healthcare system and popular medical tourism market.
  • Booming digital health sector with patient-focused innovation.
  • High purchasing power and one of the highest GDP per capita in APAC region.
  • Rapidly expanding pharmaceutical industry with USD 17.9B reach and 9.6% CAGR in 2021.
  • Thriving medical device industry with USD 7.9B reach and 10.6% CAGR in 2021, ranking 9th globally.
  • Ageing population with growing healthcare demands.
  • Increasingly recognised as a key destination for clinical trials in the Asian pharmaceutical market.